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Fourth and Fifth of the Alpha Mensae System

Distance from Earth: 41.7 light-years
Colonial Sector: Asiatic Sector

Distance from sun: 68 million miles
Distance between: 244,000 miles
Barycenter: 68,000 miles from the center of Fusan
Solar Year: 224.51 earth days
Revolution Period: 38.28 earth days
Solar Day: 46d 3:33:54 earth time

Diameter of Fusan: 5,998 miles
Gravity of Fusan: 0.69 g

Diameter of Naraka: 4,372 miles
Gravity of Naraka: 0.51 g

Axil Tilt: 15°
Moons: none

      Colonised in the 6670 A.D.
      Terraformed in the 67th to 70th Centuries


The Orbits of


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